
Teaching Courses at Universities

2021 - Assitant professor Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture, course "Parametric Modelling"

2020 - Lecturer Structural Engineering BT2, BTU Cottbus, Fakultät 6 Digitales Entwerfen, Cottbus, DE

2017 - Lecturer Universität der Künste BerlinUniversität der Künste Berlin, Berlin Area, Germany I was teaching a semester-long Grasshopper-based course "Interactive- Interaction-design". The course content was focused on paper folding simulations with Kangaroo 2 and their physical conterparts.

2015 - Adjunct/ Tutor Victoria University of Wellington School of Architecture and Design, Wellington & Wairarapa, New Zealand, tutoring Design Communication Course (SARC261), tutoring parametric design workshops

Leadership of workshops at international conferences

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE (ACADIA 2018),Recalibration of Architectural Design Optimization, 14/10/2018, Mexico City, MX

COMPUTER-AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN RESEARCH IN ASIA (CAADRIA 2017),Workflows for Conceptual Architectural Design Optimisation (ADO), 03-04/04/2017, Xi'an JiaotongLiverpool University, Suzhou, CN

INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPATIAL STRUCTURES 2017 (IASS 2017), Interfacing Architecture, Engineering and Mathematical Optimization, 24/09/2017, Hamburg, DE

ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY 2016 (AAG 2016), Workshop 1: AJ GAME – From Digital Complexity to Physical Construction, 10-11/09/2016, ETH, Zurich, CH

SHAPES OF LOGIC 2015 (SOL 2015) Min- max structures, 7-11/03/2015, Wroclaw, PL

ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY 2014 (AAG 2014), Prototyping Optimization process in relation to solar analysis, 20/09/2014, UCL, London, GB

Other On-site Workshops

1. OPTIshell Workshop, 2-day workshop organized by Fab Foundation Poland, Fab Institute, 15-16/03/2024, Wroclaw, PL

1. Sprayed Robotic Structures Workshop, Workshop mit Tragwerksanalyse der Module, BTU Cottbus, 09/2019 (5 x 5 hours), Cottbus, DE

2. Optimization workshops as part of the Summer School Dresden, TU Dresden, led by: Judyta Cichocka, 20/08/2017, Dresden, DE

3. Machine Learning workshops, organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, moderator: Mateusz Zwierzycki, 06-08/10/2017 (3 days), TU Center of Entrepreneurship, Berlin, DE

4. Canopy structural optimization workshop, organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, Jan Pernecky (ReseArch), moderator: Judyta Cichocka, 14/01/2017 (1 day), online webinar

5. Winter School 2016 workshop - Zakopane 2016, organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, Adrian Krężlik, form of participation: co-organizer and workshop leader, 28/02-01/03/2016 (3 days), Zakopane, PL

6. OPTIwaw 2016 workshop, organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, Adrian Krężlik, form of participation: co-organizer and workshop leader, 21-22/05/2016 (2 days), Business and Conference Center, Ogrodowa 58, Warsaw, PL

7. Grasshopper Master Class for ARCI-412, organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, Derek Kawiti, 1-2/08/2014 (2 days), Victoria University of Technology, School of Architecture, lab 319, Wellington, NZ

8. Advance Grasshopper Masterclass for Master Thesis Students, organizing committee: Derek Kawiti, Judyta Cichocka, form of participation: co-organizer and workshop leader, 16/08/2015 (1 day), Victoria University of Technology, Wellington, NZ

9. Parametric design workshop Course 2: Intermediate level + physical simulations, Organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, Piotr Halczuk, 18-19/10/2014 (2 days), Biskupia 10/2, Kraków, PL

10. Parametric design workshops Course 1: Basic level + optimization, Organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, Piotr Halczuk, 11-12/10/2014 (2 days), Św.Filipa 23/6, Kraków, PL

11. Generative forms in art and architecture, Lower Silesian Science Festival 2014, organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, Jakub Ławicki, 23-24/09/2014 (2 days), C13, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, PL

12. Code of Space parametric design course - Wrocław: Course 2 - intermediate level + solar optimization, organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, co-organizers: Mateusz Zwierzycki (Poznań University of Technology), 3D-UP company, media patrons: 3DD Dreaming, 12-14/09/ 2014 (3 days), Krzywy Komin Professional Development Center, Wrocław, PL

13. Code of Space parametric design course - Wrocław: 1-basic level course, organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, co-organizers: Mateusz Zwierzycki (Poznań University of Technology), 3D-UP company, media patrons: 3DD Dreaming, 5-7/09/2014 (3 days) ), Krzywy Komin Professional Development Center, Wrocław, PL

14. 3D Printing training, organizing committee: KN LabDigiFab, Bolesław Telesiński, Judyta Cichocka, 5/11/2013 (1 day), Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Building E-5, room 8, Wrocław, PL

15. Parametric design workshops - basic level + optimization, organizing committee: Judyta Cichocka, Marta Pakowska, Mateusz Olczyk, 15/11/2013-17/11/2013 (3 days), Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław, PL

Online Trainings

Karamba 101: Introduction to Parametric Engineering link

Karamba 102: - Optimizzation of concrete shells and form finding techniques. link


Supervising and mentoring

I was for many years an official supervisor of the research group LabDigiFab at Wroclaw University of Technology and Science. Between 2016 and 2018 I was Young Talent Architecture Award (YTAA) Representative for the Faculty of Architecture at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. One of the nominated by me projects S’lowtecture: housing structure by Tomasz Broma won in the completion and was presented at 15th International Architecture Exhibition– La Biennale di Venezia.